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Thursday, 27 October 2016


Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), Durgapur Steel Plant (DSP) invites applications from interested qualified doctors for a Walk in Interview for engagement of Medical Officers and Medical Specialists on Contractual Basis in identified discipline at DSP Hospital. The last date for receipt of applications is 12th November 2016..

An Advance copy of filled-in application in the prescribed format may be sent to with the subject line as "Application-Walk in interview for Medical Officer/Medical Specialists, or in hard copy to AGM (P&A-M&HS), Room No. 7, Administrative Block, First Floor, DSP Main Hospital, Durgapur - 713205 latest by 12/11/2016 within 5:00 PM..

Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) (A Govt. of India Enterprise) IISCO Steel Plant, Burnpur invites
 Online applications for recruitment of Deputy Managers in executive cadre (Operations. Mechanical and instrumentation) from technically qualified and experienced professionals for units at the state of the art 2.5 MTPA integrated steel plant at Burnpur, Dt: Burdwan, West Bengal. Eligible candidates are required to Apply onlinefrom 1st October 2016 and close on 4th November 2016.

Post Name
No of Vacancies
Age Limit (as on 04/11/2016)
Scale of Pay
Deputy Managers
24 (Operations - 10, Mechanical - 12, Instrumentation - 02)
35 Years (Relaxation – 05 Years for SC / ST, 03 Years for OBC, 10 Years for PWD)
E-3 ₹ 32900 – 3% – 58000/-
Minimum Essential Qualification: [65 % marks (average of all semesters) for General and OBC Candidates / 55 % marks (average of all semesters) for SC, ST, PWD and Departmental Candidates from AICTE approved college or recognised University / Institution]
Operations -> Degree in Metallurgical/ Mechanical / Production / Chemical  Engineering.
Mechanical -> Degree in Mechanical Engineering.
Instrumentation -> Degree in Instrumentation / Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
Post Qualification Experience: 07 years' working experience in relevant area.
Medical Standards:Candidates should be of sound physique, free from any physical defect. Medical standards stipulate minimum requirements of Weight 45 kg; Height 155 cm; Myopia and Hypermetropia, if any, not to exceed ± 4.00 in each eye and no squint or colour blindness. Suitable relaxation in height and weight will be given to female candidates.
Selection Process: Written Examination and Interview.
Written Test Patterns -> Eligible candidates will be required to appear for objective type written test at Kolkata on the appointed date. The written test will have three segments; Domain knowledge & Managerial knowledge test for 25 marks each and practical knowledge test for 50 marks. The duration of the test would be two hours.
Exam Fee: A Non-refundable fee of ₹ 500/- for General and OBC Candidates. SC/ ST/ PWD/ ESM or departmental candidates are exempted from payment of application and processing fee. The payment fee can be made through Pay-in-Slip. The State Bank of India has been authorized to collect the application and processing fee, in a specially opened "Power Jyoti" account No. -31932241266 at Burnpur, on behalf of IISCO Steel Plant, SAIL
How to Apply: Eligible and interested candidates would be required to apply online only through SAIL's website on or before 04/11/2016. After submitting online application, take a printout of filled Online application and all relevant documents (Photo-copies) are required to be sent to the Office of DGM (Personnel-CF), SAIL-IISCO Steel Plant, 7, The Ridge, Burnpur-713325, Dt: Burdwan, West Bengal by Speed Post.
The last date for receipt of applications is 21/11/2016. Envelope containing the application should be clearly be super-scribed 'Application for the post of ______ in SAIL-ISP' as the case may be on the top of the envelope. For any queries contact Helpline Number - 0341-2240260.

Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), Raw Materials Division (RMD) invites applications from eligible candidates for filling up the post of Medical Officer, Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee), Mining Foreman, Mining Mate, Surveyor (Mines), Para Medical Staff and Junior Assistant (Trainee) in SAIL 2016-17. The Online Registration start from 1st August 2016.

Name of the Post
Total Vacancies
Upper Age (as on 31.08.2016)
Pay Scale & Grade
Medical Officers
30 years
₹ 20600-3%- 46500 (E-1)
Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee)
28 years
₹ 16800-3% -24110/- (S-3)
Mining Foreman
28 years
₹ 16800-3% -24110/- (S-3)
Mining Mate
28 years
₹ 15830-3%-22150/- (S-1)
Surveyor (Mines)
28 years
₹ 16800-3% -24110/- (S-3)
Para-Medical Staff
27 (Pharmacist (Trainee) - 03, X-Ray Technician (Trainee) - 02, Nursing Sister
(Trainee) - 13, Laboratory Technician (Trainee) - 05, ECG Technician (Trainee) - 02, Dental Hygiene (Trainee) - 01, Occupational Health Technician (Trainee) - 01)
28 years
₹ 16800-3% -24110/- (S-3)
Junior Assistant (Trainee)
28 years
₹ 16800-3% -24110/- (S-3)
Essential Minimum Qualification and Experience:
Medical Officer -> MBBS from a University/ Institute recognized by MCI with valid registration, with one year experience after registration.
Operator cum Technician (Trainee) -> 3 years full time Diploma in Engg. from Govt. recognized Institute in the discipline of Mechanical/ Electrical/ Civil/ Electronics & Instrumentation with minimum 50% aggregate marks [40% aggregate marks for SC / ST / PWD candidates].
Mining Foreman -> 10th Class with Diploma in Mining with valid Mines Foreman Certificate of Competency from DGMS under MMR (for metalliferous mines) with 1 year post qualification experience in the relevant field.
Mining Mate -> Matriculation with valid Mining Mate Certificate of Competency from DGMS under MMR (for metalliferous mines) with 1 year post qualification experience in the relevant field..
Surveyor (Mines) -> Matriculation with 3 years full time Diploma in Mining and Mine's survey from a Govt. recognized institute with Surveyor's certificate of competency and post qualification experience of at least 1 year in the relevant field.
Pharmacist (Trainee) -> Degree in Pharmacy Or 10+2/Intermediate in science with Diploma in Pharmacy of minimum two years duration And valid Registration with Indian/State Pharmacy Council and with 1 year post qualification experience after registration in the relevant field. Minimum 50% aggregate marks in Degree/Diploma [40% aggregate marks for SC / ST / PWD candidates
X-Ray Technician (Trainee) -> B.Sc. in Radiography Or 10+2/Intermediate in science with Diploma of minimum two years duration in Radiography from a Govt. recognized institute and one year post qualification experience of Radiography in a hospital (preferably a Govt./Semi Govt.). Minimum 50% aggregate marks in Degree/ Diploma [40% aggregate marks for SC / ST / PWD candidates.
Nursing Sister (Trainee) -> B.Sc.(Nursing) from an institution recognized by Nursing Council of India Or 10+2/Intermediate in science with Diploma of minimum 3 years duration in General Nursing and Midwifery from a Govt. recognized institution with valid registration in Nursing Council of India/States and with 1 year post qualification clinical experience in a hospital after registration. Minimum 50% aggregate marks in Degree/Diploma [40% aggregate marks for SC / ST / PWD candidates].
Laboratory Technician Trainee -> B.Sc. in Medical Lab Technology Or 10+2/Intermediate in science with minimum 2 years Diploma in Medical Lab Technology with 1 year experience in a hospital. Minimum 50% aggregate marks in Degree/Diploma [40% aggregate marks for SC / ST / PWD candidates]..
ECG Technician (Trainee) -> B.Sc. with Diploma in ECG of minimum 1 year duration OR 10+2 / Intermediate in Science with Diploma in ECG of minimum two years duration, from a Government recognized institute and with at least 1 year post qualification experience in handling different types of ECG machines in a hospital/nursing home. Minimum 50% marks aggregate in Degree/Diploma [40% aggregate marks for SC / ST / PWD candidates..
Dental Hygiene Technician (Trainee) -> B.Sc. in Dentistry from a Govt. recognized Institute /University or Diploma course of Dental Laboratory Technology from a Dental College recognized by Dental Council of India; and with at least 1 year post qualification experience in a hospital/nursing home. Minimum 50% aggregate marks in Degree/Diploma [40% aggregate marks for SC / ST / PWD candidates]..
Occupational Health Technician (Trainee) -> B.Sc. from a Govt. recognized Institute and with at least 1 year post qualification experience of working in Occupational Health in any industrial health sector. Minimum 50% aggregate marks in B.Sc. [40% aggregate marks for SC / ST / PWD candidates]..
Junior Assistant (Trainee) -> Graduate Degree one year diploma in computer application. Minimum 50% aggregate marks in Graduation (40% aggregate marks for SC/ST/PWD candidates). Typing speed: atleast 40 w.p.m. [36 w.p.m. for SC / ST / PWD / OBC(NCL) candidates]. Short hand speed: atleast 80 w.p.m. [72 w.p.m. for SC / ST / PWD / OBC(NCL) candidates]..
Selection Process:.
For Medical Officer -> Written Examination and Interview
For Operator cum Technician (Trainee), Mining Foreman, Surveyor (Mines), Mining Mate and Paramedical Staff -> Written examination and Skill Test / Trade Test .
For Junior Assistant (Trainee) -> Written Test and Computer Skill Test / Typing Test / Short hand Test.
Application Fees: ₹ 500/- for Medical Officer Post; ₹ 150/- for Mining Mate Post; ₹ 250/- for all other posts. No fee for SC / ST / PWD / ESM candidates. The fee can be made through Pay in Slip (SBI Challan)..

How to Apply: Eligible Interested candidates would be required to Apply Online through SAIL's Website. The Online Registration start from 01/08/2016 and close on 31/08/2016. For enquiries / clarification contact Helpline Number - 033-22827724..

click here Apply Online >>

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