Indian Railway Recruitment Zones: Indian Railways organizational structure is divided into 17 zones, which are further sub-divided into various city wise divisions. All RRBs official website links and contact E-Mail List Visit -
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Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) offers Railway Jobs 2016 List published in this page. RRBs calls eligible Indian Citizens through Employment Newss for recruitment of various Technical, Non-Technical and Para Medical Posts in Group A, B, C and D Cadres throug Online Application / Offline Application Format. IndGovtJobs Blog every week updating latest Indian Railway Recruitment 2016 Jobs list in this page. Railway Recruitment Control Board (RRCB) is fully organized and operated by Government of India under Ministry of Railways. RRCB under Railway recruiting boards (At Present 19 Railway Recruitment Boards are functioning) calling various posts / vacancies through direct recruitment and competitive examination for every year. The Railway Jobs total vacancies number was approximately mentioned..
Railway Recruitment Posts: Gazetted (Group 'A' and 'B') and Non-Gazetted (Group 'C' and 'D') in 19 RRBs:-
Group 'A' Posts –> Group A posts is carried out by UPSC - appointed through Civil Service Exam, Engineering Service Exam, and Combined Medical Service Examination..
Group 'B' Posts –> This posts are not open to directly. The Group B posts link Section Officers Grade - upgraded posts from Group 'C' railway employees on deputation basis..
Group 'C' Posts –> Technical and Non-Technical cadre posts like Clerk, Station Master, Ticket Collector, Commercial Apprentice, Traffic Apprentice, Engineering posts (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Signal & Telecommunication) etc.
Group 'D' Posts –> These posts in various disciplines include Trackman, Helper, Assistant Points Man, Safaiwala / Safaiwali, Gunman, Peon etc..
Recruitment against Quota: Sports Quota, Scouts & Guides Quota and Cultural Quota..
Educational Qualifications: Minimum 10th class pass or ITI or equivalent trade for Group C & D Posts. Graduate / Post Graduate for Group A & B Posts
Selection Procedure: Written Examination. There is no Interview (Viva Voce) after the written examination. For a very few specific (Group A & B) categories there is a Viva after the written exam, while for certain other categories there is a Skill Test (like typing test or stenography test) and for categories related to operational safety like Assistant Station Master, Assistant Loco Pilot, there will be an Aptitude Test..
Indian Railways Latest Government Jobs Recruitment Opening 2016-17: (Last updated on 26th October 2016).
Name of the Zone
No of Vacancies
Name of the Posts
Last Date for Apply
Details Link
UPSC ESE 2017.
Engineering Services / Posts in Indian Railways
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Diesel Locomotive Work (DLW), Varanasi.
Senior Clerk / Technical - Sports Quota 2016-17
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Eastern Railway.
Scout Guide Quota (Group C and Group D)
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Railway Board
Various Directors
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North Central Railway
Cultural Quota 2016-17
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Central Railside Warehouse Company Limited (CRWC)
Deputy General Manager (General)
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Gujarat Metro Rail.
Director in Project and Planning
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Railway Boards.
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