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Saturday, 14 July 2018

Start This Business In The Village, The Government Will Provide Training At 7,000 Rupees And Huge Earnings

Start This Business In The Village, The Government Will Provide Training At 7,000 Rupees And Huge Earnings

In our country, more than 60 percent of the people still live in the villages, who do not have optic employment. The biggest reason why there is no employment is lack of skills. Agri business has a lot of potential in the villages. If you want to start a new business in Agri Sector, then the government is giving training, then you can earn huge earnings by starting a business related to the Agriculture sector.
The thing to be successful in this business is that it is a business-related basic information. To strengthen this sector, the Government is giving training for different types of business linked to agriculture by the National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development under the Ministry of School Development. This training will be given training of various courses and how to get involved in this program.
Dairy business
During this you will be given training for dairy business. In the meantime, the full guides will be provided to carry on running and running dairy. Along with that, you will also be provided with the Government’s support system and scheme along with loan schemes. For successful start-up in dairy business, case study will also be told by Nissabad.
Organic Farming
Nestbud will provide complete information for organic farming. Such as organic farming, what are the benefits, what is the market for organic farming. What kind of technology is used? What is nutrition management? Information on Organic Farming’s Matthology, Quality Assurance, National Program on Organic Production, Online Sales Model, Eco Turism, Government Scheme and Support System, Assistant Program of Government of India etc. will be provided.

Food Processing Business
You will also be told for different models of food processing. Such as food processing avenues, a small food processing plant, how to build a manufacturing food processing brand, a government support scheme, a case for successful full-up case study.
Cold Storage Chain
Apart from this, you will also be trained for the benefits of opening cold storages, methods and government schemes. It is worth mentioning that there is a lot of need of cold storage chain in the country and the government is also promoting it. You may want to consider starting cold storage. You can also learn to start a business such as Green House, Aromatic Oil, Floriculture, Fruit Celtivation and Polyurethane and Fishery.
How Do You Apply?
This is a two-day training program. The 16th and 17th June will be held at Noida Sector 62 located in Nissabad, the program’s fee is 7000 rupees. If you want to participate, you can download the registration form by clicking on this link. on agri business 16% 20 June to 17 June 2018.pdf
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