How To Set Custom Ringtones For Specific Contacts In Android
How To Set Custom Ringtones For Specific Contacts In Android
- Setting individual ringtones for contacts is a great way to identify an important call or message.
- This guide provides set-by-step instructions for setting up individual ringtones for Android phones.
- Everyone likes to know who’s calling before they actually pick up the phone, and the easiest way to achieve that is with custom ringtones for specific callers. You can set up the custom ringtone for your wife, mother, father, sister, friend, and so more.
Below Are The Steps By Steps Guide To Set Up Custom Ringtones:
- Note: You can set up a custom ringtone after creating a new contact. It means custom ringtone is allowed during Edit Contact only.
General Steps To Set A Custom Ringtone For An Android Contact,
- →Go to Contacts
- → Tap the contact you want to assign a specific ringtone to
- → Tap Edit
- → Find Ringtone Option
- → Select a ringtone.
- Below are the steps to set up the custom ringtone in Android Operating System Version 6 and below:
- Step 1: First go to contact and select contacts that you want to set up custom ringtone. And Tap Edit Contact.
- Step 2: After that Tap on three dots that is located on right side top corner.
- Step 3: Click on Set Ringtone Option.
- Step 4: Select Ringtone. And Press OK.
- Below are the steps to set up the custom ringtone in Android Operating System Version 7 and upper:
- Step 1: First click on edit contact on contact name whose ringtone you want to set up custom:
- Step 2: After that go to down, you can see option default ringtone. Click on default ringtone and the select ringtone that you want to put.
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