Eastern Railway Recruitment For 863 ITI Posts 2017
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Eastern Railway Recruitment For 863 ITI Posts 2017.
Eastern Railway invites applications from ITI (NCVT) Passed candidates for engagement of Act Apprentices for Liluah Workshop (204 Vacancies) and Howrah Division (659 Vacancies) under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1961 for imparting training. The closing date for submission of applications is 7th December 2017.
Eastern Railway Recruitment For 863 ITI Posts 2017.
Eastern Railway invites applications from ITI (NCVT) Passed candidates for engagement of Act Apprentices for Liluah Workshop (204 Vacancies) and Howrah Division (659 Vacancies) under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1961 for imparting training. The closing date for submission of applications is 7th December 2017.
Notice No. 01/2017/LLH
Job Type: Central Government Job
For Liluah Workshop:
Name of Trades
No of Vacancies
Fitter 80
Machinist 23
Turner 11
Welder (G&E) 50
Painter General 05
Electrician 15
Wireman 15
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 05
For Howrah Division:
Name of Trades
No of Vacancies
Fitter 281
Welder 61
Mech. (MV) 09
Mech. (Dsl) 17
Blacksmith 09
Machinist 09
Carpenter 09
Painter General 09
Lineman (Gen) 09
Wireman 09
Ref. and Air Cond. Mech. 08
Electrician 220
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance 09
Age Limit:
Minimum 15 Years and Maximum 24 Years as on 1st July 2017. The upper age limit is relaxable by 05 years for SC / ST, 03 Years for OBC, 10 Years for PWD.
Educational Qualification:
Candidates should have passed Matriculate (10+2 System) with 50% Marks and having ITI Certificate affiliated to NCVT compulsory in relevant trade.
How to Apply:
Application in the prescribed application format submitted in foolscap / A4 Size paper duly filled in all the columns in all respect by the candidate himself in his own hand writing with ball point pen to be addressed to Workshop Personnel Officer, Eastern Railway, Liluah, Howrah - 711 204 in a closed envelope super-scribed as "Application for Liluah Workshop" or "Application for Howrah Division" against Notice No. 01/2017/LLH dated 27.10.17 for engagement of Act Apprentices by enclosing the following:-
(i) 2 Self-addressed envelope of 11" X 5" with Postal Stamp of Rs. 5/- (Exemption for SC/ST/PH Candidates).
(ii) A Crossed Postal Order in favour of FA. & C.A.O. Eastern Railway. Kolkata payable to GPO/ Kolkata for ₹ 100/- as processing fee which is not refundable/ transferable under any circumstances (The Postal Order purchased before the date of publication of this notice will not be valid).
(iii) No Postal Order is required for SC/ST , PHP, Women, Minorities & Economically backward candidates as per extant rules.
(iv) Self declaration for waiver of fee for Minonty candidates to be submitted as per Annexure-'A' and Proforma for Income Certificate for Economically Backward classes to be submitted.
(v) 2 recent Passport Size Photographs duly signed by the applicant, one of which should be pasted on the Application Form in the space provided and another should be pasted on the CALL LETTER-CUM-ADMIT CARD m the space provided. Both the photographs are required to be attested by a Gazetted Officer,
(vi) Before applying, the candidates should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other criteria, and if erroneously engaged, such candidates shall be summarily dismissed without notice at any stage of engagement,
(vii) All columns should be filed up properly. No column should be left blank otherwise the candidature will be cancelled. Application having Blurred LTI will be cancelled.
Last date of applications is 07/12/2017 up to 16:00 Hours.
Notification and application⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊
Job Type: Central Government Job
For Liluah Workshop:
Name of Trades
No of Vacancies
Fitter 80
Machinist 23
Turner 11
Welder (G&E) 50
Painter General 05
Electrician 15
Wireman 15
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 05
For Howrah Division:
Name of Trades
No of Vacancies
Fitter 281
Welder 61
Mech. (MV) 09
Mech. (Dsl) 17
Blacksmith 09
Machinist 09
Carpenter 09
Painter General 09
Lineman (Gen) 09
Wireman 09
Ref. and Air Cond. Mech. 08
Electrician 220
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance 09
Age Limit:
Minimum 15 Years and Maximum 24 Years as on 1st July 2017. The upper age limit is relaxable by 05 years for SC / ST, 03 Years for OBC, 10 Years for PWD.
Educational Qualification:
Candidates should have passed Matriculate (10+2 System) with 50% Marks and having ITI Certificate affiliated to NCVT compulsory in relevant trade.
How to Apply:
Application in the prescribed application format submitted in foolscap / A4 Size paper duly filled in all the columns in all respect by the candidate himself in his own hand writing with ball point pen to be addressed to Workshop Personnel Officer, Eastern Railway, Liluah, Howrah - 711 204 in a closed envelope super-scribed as "Application for Liluah Workshop" or "Application for Howrah Division" against Notice No. 01/2017/LLH dated 27.10.17 for engagement of Act Apprentices by enclosing the following:-
(i) 2 Self-addressed envelope of 11" X 5" with Postal Stamp of Rs. 5/- (Exemption for SC/ST/PH Candidates).
(ii) A Crossed Postal Order in favour of FA. & C.A.O. Eastern Railway. Kolkata payable to GPO/ Kolkata for ₹ 100/- as processing fee which is not refundable/ transferable under any circumstances (The Postal Order purchased before the date of publication of this notice will not be valid).
(iii) No Postal Order is required for SC/ST , PHP, Women, Minorities & Economically backward candidates as per extant rules.
(iv) Self declaration for waiver of fee for Minonty candidates to be submitted as per Annexure-'A' and Proforma for Income Certificate for Economically Backward classes to be submitted.
(v) 2 recent Passport Size Photographs duly signed by the applicant, one of which should be pasted on the Application Form in the space provided and another should be pasted on the CALL LETTER-CUM-ADMIT CARD m the space provided. Both the photographs are required to be attested by a Gazetted Officer,
(vi) Before applying, the candidates should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other criteria, and if erroneously engaged, such candidates shall be summarily dismissed without notice at any stage of engagement,
(vii) All columns should be filed up properly. No column should be left blank otherwise the candidature will be cancelled. Application having Blurred LTI will be cancelled.
Last date of applications is 07/12/2017 up to 16:00 Hours.
Notification and application⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊