Central Bank of India Recruitment for Counselor/Director Vacancies www.centralbank.net.in
central Bank of India vacancies has been updated for high end job seekers in the state of Maharashtra. The recruitment for Counselor for FLCC (Financial Literacy & Credit Counseling Centre), Director RSETI (Rural Self Employment Training Institutes) on Contract basis. Eligible applicants can apply in the prescribed format on or before 31st August, 2017.
Organization: Central Bank of India
Name & No. of Posts as Per Required:
- Counselor FLCC: 01 Post
- Director RSETI: 01 Post
Criteria of Age:
Candidate’s age limit must be below than 65 years with sound health as on 20th August, 2017.
Criteria of Qualification:
To qualify for Central Bank of India Jobs, candidates must hold their Graduation/PG Degree from a recognized UGC along with relevant experience also.
Salary & Remuneration Details:
Candidates are requested to click the official link (which has been given below at the end of this post) to find detailed salary structures as per suitable posts.
Selection Process:
Selection of the candidates will be based on Personal Interview.
How to Apply:
Eligible applicants can send their application in the prescribed format with supported relevant documents/testimonials, in an envelope must be super scribed as “Application for the post of Recruitment as——” to the Regional Manager, Central Bank of India, Mangesh Adarsha Colony, Gorakshan Road, Akola-444 001 (Maharashtra) on or before 31st August, 2017.
Important Dates to Remember:
Last date for submission of application: 31st August, 2017
To find more detailed information about recruitment or any clarification & to find also the official advertisenment, candidates can click here