HNGU Patan Recruitment 2017 -Apply For Engineer (Civil)Posts
Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University (HNGU)HNGU Patan Recruitment for Engineer (Civil)Posts 2017,Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.
Posts Name: Engineer Civil
Educational Qualification & Other Details: B.E Civil Experiance with five Years or Diploma Civil Experiance With Seven Years.
Selection Process: interview.
How to Apply: Interested and Eligible candidates a Walk In Interview is to be held as Shown. Candidates Who wish to apply have to fill up online from 18-07-2017 and submit their C.V in five copy in the forms available on the university website before interview from 10:00 to 12.00 noon on interview date for post shown below at office of the university for the following adhoc & Contractual post on self-finance basic for 11 month only in the following branches of this university,nterested and Eligible candidates are requested to remain present along with all original certificates to given address in advertisement.
Address: Registrar, Hemachndracharya North Gujarat University, Patan.
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