Today, I am introducing you MATHS Trick 2 : Multiply By 9
Multiplication of a number by 9
945865 x 9 = ?
The result of multiplication of a number by 9 is, 945865 x 9 = 8512785.
Step 1: Add 0 to the Right end of the number that is 9458650.
Step 2: Then Subtract original number from the number, 9458650 – 945865 = 8512785.
we get the final result that is 8512785.
Another Example of Multiplication of a number by 9
479834 x 9 = ?
The result of multiplication of a number by 9 is, 479834 x 9 = 4318506.
Step 1: Add 0 to the Right end of the number that is 4798340.
Step 2: Then Subtract original number from the number, 4798340 – 479834 = 4318506.
we get the final result that is 4318506.
Another Example of Multiplication of a number by 9
77777 x 9 = ?
The result of multiplication of a number by 9 is,77777 x 9 = 699993.
Step 1: Add 0 to the Right end of the number that is 777770.
Step 2: Then Subtract original number from the number, 777770 – 77777 = 699993.
we get the final result that is 699993.
Another Example of Multiplication of a number by 9
88888 x 9 = ?
The result of multiplication of a number by 9 is,88888 x 9 = 799992.
Step 1: Add 0 to the Right end of the number that is 888880.
Step 2: Then Subtract original number from the number, 888880 – 88888 = 799992.
we get the final result that is 799992.
Another Example of Multiplication of a number by 9
99999 x 9 = ?
The result of multiplication of a number by 9 is,99999 x 9 = 899991.
Step 1: Add 0 to the Right end of the number that is 999990.
Step 2: Then Subtract original number from the number, 999990 – 99999 = 899991.
we get the final result that is 899991.
Today, I am introducing you MATHS Trick 2 : Multiply By 9
Multiplication of a number by 9
945865 x 9 = ?
The result of multiplication of a number by 9 is, 945865 x 9 = 8512785.
Step 1: Add 0 to the Right end of the number that is 9458650.
Step 2: Then Subtract original number from the number, 9458650 – 945865 = 8512785.
we get the final result that is 8512785.
Another Example of Multiplication of a number by 9
479834 x 9 = ?
The result of multiplication of a number by 9 is, 479834 x 9 = 4318506.
Step 1: Add 0 to the Right end of the number that is 4798340.
Step 2: Then Subtract original number from the number, 4798340 – 479834 = 4318506.
we get the final result that is 4318506.
Another Example of Multiplication of a number by 9
77777 x 9 = ?
The result of multiplication of a number by 9 is,77777 x 9 = 699993.
Step 1: Add 0 to the Right end of the number that is 777770.
Step 2: Then Subtract original number from the number, 777770 – 77777 = 699993.
we get the final result that is 699993.
Another Example of Multiplication of a number by 9
88888 x 9 = ?
The result of multiplication of a number by 9 is,88888 x 9 = 799992.
Step 1: Add 0 to the Right end of the number that is 888880.
Step 2: Then Subtract original number from the number, 888880 – 88888 = 799992.
we get the final result that is 799992.
Another Example of Multiplication of a number by 9
99999 x 9 = ?
The result of multiplication of a number by 9 is,99999 x 9 = 899991.
Step 1: Add 0 to the Right end of the number that is 999990.
Step 2: Then Subtract original number from the number, 999990 – 99999 = 899991.
we get the final result that is 899991.
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