E News Paper : Nav Gujarat Samay
Newspapers are an essential feature of modern life. By newspapers, we mean papers that publish news daily for public information.Reading of newspapers is a good and useful habit. We learn many things about our own country as well as foreign lands. Our outlook is widened. Newspapers are current history. We cannot get these fresh and vital things every day from the reading of books.
Newspapers publish news of daily happenings. They also contain the views of the editors on the burning topics of the day.
By reading newspapers, we keep abreast of the current events all over the world.
Too much reading of newspapers brings on levity of spirit. A modern man often becomes incapable of serious thinking. He develops a love for sensationalism and a blind faith in the printed matter. Nevertheless, in spite of all these defects, newspapers fill a gap in life today. Life would be dull without them and breakfast would lose much of its cheer.
The newspaper is all important these days. It is almost the first thing that greets you in the morning. You read what is happening in all parts of the world and for a while get out of the narrow circle of your personal affairs. So much is happening every day that unless you keep yourself abreast of these changes you cannot adjust yourself to them or move with the times smoothly and easily.
Here You will Get E Paper Of English News Paper Which Is Published In Gujarat State.
News Paper Name : Nav Gujarat Samay
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