Lokraxak Dal Publish ONe useful pdf file for Police constable physical exam candidate.
In this file you can get useful Detail about Physical Exam..
The site provides you with full details. For any kind of updates, the candidates can even visit to the official website of Gujarat police department. The ones who have qualified the written examination, they can go further go for the personal interview round where the candidates will be interviewed very precisely to check their knowledge as well as potential. Those of the candidates that qualify the personal interview round, they will able to be get recruited on the positions of the constable. Now these people can save and had become the part of the Gujarat police board.
In this file you can get useful Detail about Physical Exam..
The site provides you with full details. For any kind of updates, the candidates can even visit to the official website of Gujarat police department. The ones who have qualified the written examination, they can go further go for the personal interview round where the candidates will be interviewed very precisely to check their knowledge as well as potential. Those of the candidates that qualify the personal interview round, they will able to be get recruited on the positions of the constable. Now these people can save and had become the part of the Gujarat police board.
Constable Physical Eligibility: All the candidates have to be physically for and up to the standards decided by the department. The standards thus required will be mentioned in the official advertisement of the board. Check it out for more details. In case you put forward the wrong statistics, it would become clear in the Physical fitness test and the medical test, thus leading to the rejection of your application.Click here to Download this file