Official Notification of Gujarat Police 685 PSI Recruitment.
Official Notification of 685 PSI Recruitment
Police Bharti Board dvara levanar 685 PSI mate ni vigatvar suchanao temaj tamam mahiti mate niche ni link par Click Karo.
Gujarat Police Recruitment 2016 for 685 ASI, IO, AIO, PSI jobs
Gujarat Police Recruitment 2016 Notification has released recently for ASI, IO, AIO, PSI jobs. Gujarat Police Department has published this announcement with 685 vacancies. Any Interested and Eligible Candidates can apply for Gujarat Police Jobs through Online. The Online application for Gujarat ASI Jobs commences from 28th October 2016. The last date to submit the Gujarat Police Bharti application will be on 17th November 2016. –
Vacancy in Gujarat Police Recruitment 2016 Details – Gujarat Police Bharti
S.No Name of the Post Vacancies
1. Armed Police Sub Inspector (Male) 124
2. Assistant Intelligence Officer (Male) 55
3. Assistant Intelligence Officer (Male) 27
4. Intelligence Officer (Male) 40
5. Intelligence Officer (Female) 19
6. Un-Armed Assistant Police Sub Inspector (Male) 134
7. Un-Armed Assistant Police Sub Inspector (Female) 66
8. Un-Armed Police Sub Inspector (Female) 73
9. Un-Armed Police Sub Inspector (Male) 147
Overall Vacancies 685 Posts
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Official Notification of 685 PSI Recruitment
Police Bharti Board dvara levanar 685 PSI mate ni vigatvar suchanao temaj tamam mahiti mate niche ni link par Click Karo.
Gujarat Police Recruitment 2016 for 685 ASI, IO, AIO, PSI jobs
Gujarat Police Recruitment 2016 Notification has released recently for ASI, IO, AIO, PSI jobs. Gujarat Police Department has published this announcement with 685 vacancies. Any Interested and Eligible Candidates can apply for Gujarat Police Jobs through Online. The Online application for Gujarat ASI Jobs commences from 28th October 2016. The last date to submit the Gujarat Police Bharti application will be on 17th November 2016. –
Vacancy in Gujarat Police Recruitment 2016 Details – Gujarat Police Bharti
S.No Name of the Post Vacancies
1. Armed Police Sub Inspector (Male) 124
2. Assistant Intelligence Officer (Male) 55
3. Assistant Intelligence Officer (Male) 27
4. Intelligence Officer (Male) 40
5. Intelligence Officer (Female) 19
6. Un-Armed Assistant Police Sub Inspector (Male) 134
7. Un-Armed Assistant Police Sub Inspector (Female) 66
8. Un-Armed Police Sub Inspector (Female) 73
9. Un-Armed Police Sub Inspector (Male) 147
Overall Vacancies 685 Posts
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