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Wednesday, 18 May 2016

7th Pay Commission – Staff side wants government to negotiate properly before implementation of repo

7th Pay Commission – Staff side wants government to negotiate properly before implementation of report
7th Pay Commission Latest News – Unilateral decision by Govt will not be accepted – Staff Side JCM writes to Govt for conducting negotiation with Staff Side Associations before taking a decision on 7th Pay Commission recommendations

Though the central government employees are ardently waiting for the implementation of the Seventh Pay Commission, reports suggest that it will not be done before the results for the Assembly elections are announced. If reports are to be believed then the proposal of minimum pay of 24,000 will be taken into consideration and the reasonable expectations of central government employees will be met while announcing the salary hikes in accordance with the 7th pay commission.
According to a Zee news report, “Other than the pressure of trade unions, the results of the Assembly election in five states, West Bengal, Assam, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Pondicherry, are likely to have an influence on the final pay out.

The notification towards implementation of the seventh pay commission will be announced only after the result of the elections. If the mandate goes totally in favour of the Opposition, the government will be under greater pressure to keep the dissatisfaction related to salalry hike in check.”

‘No unilateral decision on salary hikes under 7th Pay Commission acceptable’ The central government employees lead by the National Council (Staff Side) Joint Consultative Machinery have said that they will not accept unilateral decision on salary hikes under the seventh Pay Commission and would like to have more say in the way their monthly salaries and allowances are shaped up by the Empowered Committee of Secretaries. “Neither did the Government side made any commitment on any demands, nor did they indicate in the minutes that further discussion will be held with the staff side to arrive at a negotiated settlement on each demands.

It seems that the Modi Government is moving ahead to issue unilateral orders taking the staff side for a ride”, M Krishnan, Secretary General of the central government employees confederation was quoted as saying in the Zee report. “The staff side on the other hand has taken a position that if unilateral orders are issued, without taking the staff side into confidence, the NJCA shall go ahead with the indefinite strike from 11th July 2016 as already informed to the government”, Krishnan further added in the report.

An empowered committee of Secretaries was formed under the Cabinet Secretary to process the recommendations of the pay panel.

This committee also invited the Joint Consultative Machinery which is the group representing the Staff side (central employees union) to understand their view point. The central employees union has clearly said that they will not accept any unilateral decision on the issue and needs a bilateral negotiation on the matter.

Source: One India

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